
Moving Tips&Tricks

How to Move Abroad – the Ultimate Guide

Have you made up your mind about leaving the US and going somewhere overseas? The next logical step in the process of international relocation is figuring out how to move abroad. From finding the best movers at reasonable prices to taking care of the paperwork, there are a lot of issues and concerns that need to be settled before you say goodbye to your friends and family and take off.

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Blake Shaw January 22, 2020
Moving Must-haves

What to Pack When Moving Abroad – the Ultimate List

Many Americans relocate abroad for love, work, or some other reason. Over 40% of the US citizens abroad reported they would stay overseas forever, and 74% said they felt at home there. But every expat story usually begins with the question of what to pack when moving abroad.

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Anastasia Hill January 20, 2020
Country Guides

Things to Know About Living in Europe as an American

While Europe might not be an exotic destination to move to, it is certainly one of the most attractive ones for US citizens who want to live overseas. If you are set on moving here, there are certain things to know about living in Europe as an American. The first thing you should keep in mind is that Europe is a very diverse continent with many quite different nations, languages, and cultures.

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Hannah Michaelson January 20, 2020
Moving Must-haves

Is Moving to Another Country for Love a Good Idea?

You must have spent a lot of time considering relocating abroad to be united with your partner. You wouldn’t be the first person that’s thinking about moving to another country for love, but you must have your doubts, especially if you’re going to live in a completely different culture. It is a big change that just makes this decision even more complicated and harder to make.

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Michael Vaughan January 10, 2020
Moving Must-haves

Where to Find the Best Places for Living Overseas

Do you feel like you are stuck in a routine, in desperate need of a change, and you are ready to start a new chapter somewhere abroad? Then living overseas is something you should give a shot.

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Jane Davis January 10, 2020
Moving Must-haves

Your Guide to Shipping a Car Overseas

When making such a profound life decision as moving to another country, shipping a car overseas may be a smart choice. Getting around the new city in a different country, going to work, or just visiting old friends in a nearby town will be way easier if you take your four-wheeler with you.

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Steven Rogers December 30, 2019
Moving Must-haves

Best Tips for Adjusting to a New Country

International relocation is among the most stressful events in life. Adjusting to a new country contributes to all the stress and pressure to a great extent, as people are usually scared of the unknown and unfamiliar. If you’re getting ready to leave your home and country and start anew somewhere far away, we assume that you, too, are worried about the adjustment period just as much as you’re concerned about the relocation itself.

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Hannah Michaelson December 30, 2019
Moving Must-haves

Tips on How to Keep in Touch with Friends After Moving Overseas

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but when you are thousands of miles away from your closest friend, things do get complicated. Learning how to keep in touch with friends is key to keeping a long-distance friendship alive. Just because there is a whole ocean between you doesn’t mean you have to end the friendship. Being that far can even strengthen the bond between you if you give your best to be there for them whenever they need you.

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Jane Davis December 30, 2019
Moving Must-haves

Best Tips for Breaking the Language Barrier

It happened to all of us, at least once. You are in a foreign country, traveling, or you are in a group of people who speak other languages, and all of a sudden, from a chatter, you turn into a tight-lipped person. Breaking the language barrier is one of the toughest things because we are all afraid of making mistakes, pronouncing the words wrong, or saying something that does not make much sense, whether in English or French. So today, we are going to help you break the ice and get more confident about using and learning a second language.

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Blake Shaw December 20, 2019
Moving Tips&Tricks

9 Tips for Moving Across the World

Considering the struggle and preparation moving across the world requires, it’s certainly not a decision we often make. Leaving your comfort zone, embracing diversity, developing cultural sensitivity, and coping with great challenges are just the first few things that come to mind when starting afresh in a new place. However, many still decide to embark on such a journey because it’s the only way to escape their routine or pursue opportunities to grow.

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Anastasia Hill December 12, 2019
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