How-to October 10, 2022

Moving Without a Job to Another Country – Is It Possible and How to Do It

Julie Grace

Originally from The Golden City, Julie has explored the ins and outs of moving and has written all the tips down.

Moving without a job is not just possible but can be an exciting thing to do. However, you’ll have to be well-organized and prepared for some research. This is a great opportunity to get creative when it comes to your living situation, but also the time to be reasonable and cut back on your expenses.

It goes without saying that whether you can immigrate without a job will depend on where you want to go. In general, it is possible to relocate abroad without a job. However, it requires you to be very organized just to avoid all the relocation stress.

Is Moving Without a Job to Another Country Really Possible?

Each nation has unique visa policies and entry criteria, which can be quite demanding when it comes to employment. Despite this, it is still possible to relocate abroad without employment. So, start planning the move in the right way and avoid any possibility of running into relocation scams.

Begin your research online and find a reliable international moving company that can help you with packing service and, if needed, with shipping your car overseas. After that’s settled, you can proceed with organizing the rest of the move, even if you’re not employed at the moment.

Moving to Another Country? Free Estimate

Choosing a Country Is the First Step in Relocating Without a Job

First and foremost, you should decide which nation you want to call home. It’s wise to prepare a list of some alternative destinations ahead, just in case your visa requirements are extremely demanding. In fact, you should check the visa requirements before beginning to plan the logistics of your move. If you are only allowed to come there for 30 days with a tourist visa without a company willing to sponsor you, it will be challenging for you to change the short-term visa into a working one in only one month.

It’s also essential to keep in mind that visiting a location is very different from moving overseas and living there. Though you may have enjoyed your trips to London or Singapore, would you really like to settle down there? Could you picture yourself residing there? Are you able to afford it?

If you’re moving to a new city alone without a job, you’ll likely spend some time in a foreign place paying for hostels or Airbnbs, dining out, and attempting to figure out where you’re headed. You want to live as cheaply as you can during this time until you start receiving payments. Consider whether you have any contacts in the nation you want to relocate to.

In the beginning, until you find employment and establish yourself on your feet, you could stay with family or friends there if you have any. If it’s immediate relatives, such as parents, kids, or spouses, you might be able to obtain a special visa. It opens the door to nations that might impose tighter visa requirements on individuals attempting to relocate there without a job lined up.

A man sitting on a couch using a laptop after moving overseas
Pick the most suitable country

Best Countries for Americans Looking For Work

There’s no better way to get to know the world and become a global citizen than working and living overseas, right? However, moving internationally will require making some big and serious decisions. People look for jobs outside their native countries as the world gets more linked, but choosing where to move overseas can be challenging. Here are some of the best countries for Americans looking for work:

  • Canada – Despite its proximity to the United States, relocating to Canada gives you an opportunity to meet with a very different economy. It’s much more stable and diverse and, therefore, provides better opportunities for job seekers. Not to mention it’s one of the friendliest countries in the world.
  • Australia – Australia is another great option for Americans looking for work. The economy is strong and growing, and there are plenty of jobs in a variety of industries.
  • New Zealand – If you’re looking for an outdoor lifestyle, New Zealand is the right place for you. The economy is also strong and growing, making it a great option for those seeking employment.
  • Singapore – Singapore is an excellent choice for Americans looking for work. The economy is booming, and there are plenty of jobs available in a variety of industries. If you’re not afraid of a bit of culture shock, give Singapore a try.

Saving Money Is a Must When Figuring Out How to Move Without a Job

If you’re wondering how to relocate without a job, one of the most important things to think about is finances. Moving abroad isn’t the most affordable thing you’ll have to take care of. And this is something to keep in mind, especially if you’re moving out for the first time. However, this doesn’t mean you should give up on your dreams and neglect all the reasons for this move.

Instead, begin saving money right away if you wish to live within your means. You need to budget for more than just the first weeks or months until you find work. There are a number of expenses to take into account. Flying, staying in a hotel, and relocating may be expensive, and gathering needed documents to travel abroad, like visa applications, are no exception.

The amount you’ll need for these expenses should be calculated, and you should usually double it to account for any unanticipated issues. Since you are unemployed, you must demonstrate to your new country that you have the resources to sustain yourself while you are here. From their perspective, they don’t want to deal with your bills if you get into financial problems and run out of money.

This is a relatively frequent requirement for visas, and each nation has a different one. For some, you must additionally maintain that minimum balance in your bank account for at least two months. So, besides saving money to move, you’ll have to learn how to balance finances overseas as well. Luckily, you can check out some useful tips on how to do it in the best possible way in the following video.

Breaking the Language Barrier and Getting to Know the Culture Will Give You an Edge

Even if you are only planning a brief trip to a foreign country, you should make an effort to acquire just enough of the native tongue to get around and behave politely. The majority of the locals will certainly value it, which makes learning a new language when relocating to a new place almost a necessity.

Breaking the barrier and speaking the language at hand makes it easier for you to adjust to a new place, meet new people and live abroad more easily. Plus, most significantly, in this case, it will likely speed up the hiring process. Being bilingual is no minor feat, and if you’re up against someone who can only communicate in one language, you’ll probably win.

When you need to complete all the legal paperwork for rental accommodation, bank account, any taxes or city fees, and more, knowing the language will also help you settle in the area. Every country has red tape, and navigating it without speaking the local language may feel like a nightmare. It always pays to give yourself a good start before you sail out because you will always learn more about a language once involved in it. If you’re going there permanently, knowing it will come in very handy.

Give Volunteering a Try Until You Find Your Footing

It’s a great idea to start out by volunteering or participating in a workaway opportunity when you first get to your new country. Relocating across the world is quite exciting indeed, but when you have to move abroad alone, it could get a bit more difficult, especially when it comes to monthly expenses. That’s why volunteering is one of the relocation tips you should embrace. It may allow you to receive some free lodging, get to know some locals and get a good sense of where you are. You can cut costs, learn about the area, and choose where the ideal spot for you to reside.

You will also be relieved of some pressure, as you won’t be living in a hostel while looking for work for the next six months just to save money. If you choose to stay with a foreign family and support them, you can make new relationships and avoid blowing all your money right away. You could do this by getting into tutoring, volunteering to manage a hostel’s social media, or painting a new outhouse.

There may be another prospective expat seeking a suitable roommate because most volunteer programs accept more than one member at a time! Like in any employment, you also get some time off, so there are lots of options to schedule meetings, house viewings, job interviews, and more.

A girl smiling and eating a waffle
Volunteering can be a great start after relocating abroad

When You Are Settled Start Looking For Work

Now for the important one. Now that you’re settled in your new residence of choice, it’s time to look for employment. There are various ways to locate a new job, based on where you live and the type of job you’re looking for. If you wish to live on your own, you have to plan your free time and dedicate one part of the day to searching for suitable work. You can typically wander around town with resumes in hand and keep an eye out for those job fliers in the windows if you’re searching for entry-level employment.

Check whether these employments are with or without an hourly rate and some flexibility, such as retail, bar work, housekeeping, or other positions in the hospitality industry. If you have a niche or some expertise, search the job boards on websites like Indeed or LinkedIn.

Make sure to update your profile’s location to reflect your new address before you start applying. Finding work overseas has never been simpler thanks to online job boards with a worldwide reach. There are additional job-finding options through social media groups or expat community forums. They can offer advice on how to find work and settle in, and it can even be a fantastic chance to meet some new friends since they have all been in your position.

Is Moving to a New City Without a Job Worth the Trouble?

Relocating to a new city can be an exciting proposition. After all, who doesn’t love the idea of starting fresh in a new place? But if you don’t have a job lined up, is it really worth all the trouble? For many people, the answer is yes. They’re willing to take the risk of relocating to a new place without having employment lined up because they’re confident they’ll be able to find work after the move. And, in many cases, they’re right. So, if you’re willing to embark on a new adventure, start packing your belongings right away.

What are you moving?

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