Moving Preparation August 14, 2024

Why Do People Move Across the World

Kate Holland

A true grunge and rock music fan born in Seattle, Kate has moved across the country and started writing about her experience.

Moving abroad is becoming increasingly popular. But why do people move overseas more than ever before? The trend of relocating to different countries is on the rise, driven by various factors and offering a multitude of benefits.

From seeking better job opportunities and educational experiences to the simple desire for adventure and personal growth, relocating abroad opens up a world of possibilities. If you’re wondering why do people move internationally, understanding the motivation behind it can provide valuable insights into this growing trend. Remember the words of Henry Miller – “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

Why Do People Move Abroad More Than Ever?

In Europe alone, around 50 million people have chosen to live outside their home countries, driven by the desire for a better quality of life and unique experiences.

As for Americans, since 2022, there have been 5.1 million US citizens living abroad.

According to the Association of Americans Resident Overseas (AARO), this included 3.9 million civilians, also 1.2 million military members, and other Americans with ties to the government.

Moving internationally offers numerous benefits, such as traveling to new places, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures.

For some, moving across the world is something they need to do, and for others, it’s a choice.

There are more than 2 million Americans residing in Europe and Eurasia

These days, people are more willing than ever to move internationally for work, to move for love, or simply for a new adventure.

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Reasons Why People Move Across the Globe

Economic changes and personal courage have driven this trend. For students, having at least one international experience is now normal, and young professionals are embracing this more as well. Some settle overseas for good, while others keep exploring new places. The reasons people move abroad differ from person to person, but here are some main ones:

  • Employment possibilities,
  • International studies,
  • Expanding horizons,
  • Starting anew,
  • Better quality of life,
  • Different weather,
  • To reunite with their family.
Woman with a map ready to move to Europe
There are many different reasons why people move

Diving Into the Reasons Behind International Moving

Whether for a temporary stay or a permanent new beginning, the reasons behind international relocations are as diverse as the individuals making the move. Regardless of the motivation, one common factor is the need for reliable and efficient support throughout the moving process.

This is where international movers, like Shepherd International Movers, come in, providing expert international moving services to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition to your new home abroad.

For Work Opportunities

Many people relocate abroad for work, whether it’s due to an opportunity offered by their current employer or recognition of their talents by a foreign company. In some cases, individuals may plan to move without a position and find a job upon arrival. Moving for work demonstrates to future employers and oneself the ability to rise above challenges and adapt to new environments.

To Further Their Studies

Education is a common starting point for many international journeys. Moving abroad to study immerses students in new cultures and breaks their language barriers and perspectives, amplifying their learning experiences. This journey not only broadens academic horizons but also fosters personal growth.

For a Change of Pace

Sometimes, people relocate abroad for a change of pace. Whether their hometown is too crowded or too quiet, a change in scenery can bring about the peace of mind or energy needed. Moving abroad can help break routines and offer new, enriching experiences.

To Provide for Their Families

Moving abroad to provide for one’s family is a powerful motivator. When opportunities are limited at home, relocating can offer the chance to build a better life for loved ones. Though being apart is challenging, the sacrifices made can uplift the entire family. And after all, if you relocate to a country that’s considered the best for families, they can move there later on.

For a Fresh Start

Some people relocate abroad seeking a fresh start. Whether driven by a sense of adventure or the need to leave everything behind, relocating is about proving one’s independence and ability to adapt to new environments.

For a Change of Climate

Climate can be a significant reason for moving abroad. Whether seeking better weather for pleasure or health, a change in climate conditions can have immediate positive effects on mood and well-being. Embracing a new environment helps maintain a positive outlook and fosters success.

To Reunite with Loved Ones

Reuniting with loved ones is a heartfelt reason for moving abroad. Whether bringing family members to join them or returning to a familiar place, such relocations are filled with emotions. Channeling these feelings into perseverance and care ensures continued growth and connection.

Benefits of Moving Abroad

Living abroad isn’t always easy. Being away from friends and family can be tough, and difficult situations may arise. However, the benefits often outweigh the disadvantages. Whether moving for a short or long period, the experience will significantly impact your life. Beyond experiencing a new country and culture, learning na new language(s), and meeting new people, the most important benefits are personal growth and professional development.

Personal Growth

Living abroad leads to significant personal development. According to research by the University of Essex and AFS, those people who have lived in a foreign land are less anxious and stressed and have higher self-esteem. Moving abroad helps build confidence as you meet new friends and step out of the comfort zone.

People who have lived in another country often feel more satisfied with their lives and happier overall. The decision to relocate overseas demonstrates motivation, maturity, independence, responsibility, and adaptability. Values developed in the home country are enhanced and expanded upon in a new environment.

Professional Development

Working in a foreign country can make your CV stand out and open many doors. You’ll encounter different cultures and develop new skills, such as learning a new language. The training and experience gained abroad are highly valued by employers and recruiters.

Hiring managers increasingly seek professionals with international experience. Even participating in a volunteering program can benefit one’s career. Skills developed abroad, such as communication, empathy, adaptability, problem-solving, leadership, and teamwork, are ideal for any job.

A real estate agent showing a home to a couple
A new lifestyle, work opportunities – there are a lot of exciting possibilities out there

What Relocating Abroad Brings – Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Moving abroad pushes you out of the comfort zone and helps you discover your true potential. It challenges you to adapt to a new city, language, and culture, making you stronger and more capable. It also teaches you to handle new challenges and solve problems independently. You’ll learn to manage finances, navigate bureaucracy, and deal with homesickness, boosting self-confidence and resourcefulness.

Adapting to New Situations

Adjusting to a new country and different cultural norms and traditions helps you become more adaptable. After the initial culture shock, you’ll learn to respect and accommodate new customs while maintaining your own beliefs. Additionally, immersing yourself in a new culture enhances understanding and appreciation of diverse practices. You’ll gain insights into local customs, food, and languages, enriching your global perspective.

Making Friends From Around the World

Expanding the social network to include people from various backgrounds helps you build lifelong connections. Engaging with others through the job, hobbies, or social events enriches the experience abroad.

Learning a New Language

Immersing yourself in a new environment often requires learning a local language. This skill can make daily life easier and enhance personal and professional opportunities. Also, exposure to different communication styles helps you become more sensitive and effective in both verbal and non-verbal interactions, valuable in a multicultural world.

A map full of pins
There are many great opportunities for those who dare to relocate across the world

Best Expat Destinations

We have spotlighted five fantastic countries in Europe for expats – Spain, Portugal, Malta, Bulgaria, and the United Kingdom. Each country offers unique benefits, making them attractive destinations for those looking to relocate abroad. Here are some key highlights for each country to help you decide.

Living in the United Kingdom for Job Opportunities and Culture

The UK is a highly developed country with strong economic stability and numerous opportunities for expats. Its rich culture includes great music, world-class museums, and renowned sports throughout the country, and not exclusively in London. The UK’s job market is diverse, with high demand in sectors like finance, IT, and social services.

Moving to Bulgaria for Its Natural Beauty and Hospitality

Bulgaria offers stunning natural scenery, from the ski resorts of Bansko and Borovets to its pristine beaches and rose valleys. The Bulgarian people are warm-hearted and hospitable, making it easy to make friends. Bulgaria is perfect for those who enjoy all four seasons, with hot summers, snowy winters, and pleasant springs and autumns. Luckily, Bulgaria has enough great beaches to help you endure the summer heat.

Settling in Spain for Culture and Cuisine

Spain is a vibrant country known for its rich history, world-renowned architecture, and delicious cuisine. Relocating to Spain means immersing yourself in a culture full of interaction and togetherness. The Mediterranean diet and excellent weather make it a healthy place to live.

Let’s highlight more great things about Spain:

  • The Spanish language is widely spoken,
  • Excellent healthcare system.

Exploring Opportunities in Malta’s Growing Economy

Malta is a small island with a rich history and a blend of Arabic, Italian, and British influences. It offers sunny weather, sandy beaches, and a diverse, multicultural community. Malta’s economy is robust, with low unemployment and many opportunities in sectors like online gaming, finance, IT, and tourism.

Relocating to Portugal for Better Quality of Life

Portugal is renowned for its great weather, delicious cuisine, and friendly culture. If you’re considering relocating here, you’re in for a treat. According to Julien Ferrat, an International Recruiter at Adecco, the Portuguese work environment is notably relaxed and welcoming.

Here is more that makes this destination stand out:

  • Warm climate with 300 sunny days per year,
  • High quality of life with excellent health, safety, and personal happiness,
  • Low cost of living with great food and wine.
Flag of Portugal
Portugal offers a great quality of life

Ready to Move Internationally? Let Shepherd International Movers Guide Your Journey

Are you thinking about moving abroad and exploring new opportunities? In the words of T. S. Eliot – “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” Whether it’s for work, study, or a change of pace, understanding why people move can help you make the best decision for the future.

Our international moving company, Shepherd International Movers, specializes in making moving overseas smooth and stress-free. From planning and packing services to customs and transportation, our experienced team is here to assist you every step of the way. Contact us today to begin the journey and make relocation abroad a seamless experience!

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