How-to August 6, 2024

How to Pack for a Move? Expert Advice From Shepherd International Movers

Maya Brown

Born in Atlanta, Maya has called many places home in her lifetime. She's a content writer and moving expert who loves to help people relocate smoothly.

For most people, packing is the stuff of nightmares, especially when moving internationally. But it doesn’t have to be a horror show! Knowing how to pack for a move can transform this dreaded task into a surprisingly smooth process. With the tips and tricks from Shepherd International Movers, you’ll turn chaos into calm and be well on your way to enjoying the new home.

When packing for a relocation, start by decluttering your belongings and stocking up on supplies. With the room-by-room strategy, you can streamline the whole ordeal and divide it into smaller tasks. Don’t forget to label everything clearly and prepare the first-night essentials bag to ensure a smooth transition. For extra help, you can always hire professional movers to assist you.

Organization Is Key When Moving Abroad – Start With a Solid Plan

For more than 60% of people, moving day preparation ranks high on the stress scale. It is so high, in fact, that it even beats out divorce and finding a new job. It’s no wonder! The sheer amount of stuff to pack, organize, and transport can feel overwhelming. Add to that the emotional rollercoaster of leaving a familiar place, and it’s clear why relocation stress is so notorious.

Now, imagine adding a whole new country into the mix.

The stress levels shoot through the roof! There are visas and paperwork to sort out, different customs regulations to navigate, and that inevitable culture shock to deal with. Not to mention maybe learning a new language, too!

62% of people would rather endure public speaking than move again

That’s why having a solid packing schedule is crucial – it’s the ultimate roadmap to a stress-free move. Starting two months ahead is usually recommended, but the exact timeline varies depending on the scope of the whole ordeal. With the right plan in place, you can kick off the packaging preparations and focus on the exciting adventure ahead!

Moving to Another Country? Free Estimate

Take a Good Hard Look at All of Your Stuff – It’s Purge Time!

Decluttering before relocating abroad is like a spring cleaning on steroids. It’s the perfect chance to say goodbye to those questionable fashion choices and that bread maker you used once. Obviously, lightening the load means less stuff to deal with, but there’s also an added perk – helping you save on costs. Plus, starting fresh in a new home without all the clutter always feels amazing.

Start by sorting everything into four piles – keep, donate, sell, and toss. If it hasn’t seen the light of day in the past year, it’s probably time to part ways. As for what to do with all that stuff, you can always list items online to make some extra cash or donate gently used items to charities such as Goodwill and earn some good karma for the journey ahead.

Decluttering lists and coffee
Decluttering is the first cheat code to a seamless move

Don’t Try to Wing It – Get Your Packing Supplies in Order

Trying to box everything up without the right packaging materials can be a bit like cooking without utensils – messy and frustrating! Here are the supplies you should be stocked up on before you even think about how to organize packing:

Now, you might be wondering – how much of this stuff do you actually need? Well, a good rule of thumb is to start with more than you think. For boxes, estimate around 10-15 small, 10-15 medium, and 5-10 large boxes for a one-bedroom apartment, double that for a two-bedroom place, and so on.

As for the bubble wrap and packaging paper, you can never have too much! Plan on at least 2-3 rolls of high-quality tape to complete the wrapping, and don’t forget markers and labels to keep everything nice and organized.

Different packing materials
Before you even think about this task, stock up on the right supplies

How to Pack for a Move – There’s Nothing Quite as Effective as the Room-By-Room Strategy

With the right packaging materials in hand, you’re ready to tackle the beast that is boxing up. The room-by-room strategy is your best bet for staying organized and sane. Why? Because it breaks down the beast into manageable chunks.

Instead of feeling like you’re drowning in a sea of stuff, you can focus on one room at a time, making the process more systematic and less chaotic. Plus, it helps ensure that nothing gets left behind or mixed up, so unpacking in the new home will be a breeze. Let’s break it down and make this as painless as possible:

Pack the Cozy Space of Your Living Room

When it comes to the living room, start with the small stuff and gradually progress to bigger tasks like packing furniture. Disassemble any furniture that can be taken apart to save space and make it easier to move. Also, wrap furniture pieces in moving blankets or bubble wrap to protect them from scratches.

For electronics, remove all cords and cables and pack them in labeled zip-lock bags. Use original boxes for TVs and other electronics if you have them. If not, wrap them securely in anti-static bubble wrap and put them in sturdy boxes.

Box up Your Wardrobe and Other Bedroom Essentials

While normal boxes work just fine, you can opt for special wardrobe boxes for hanging clothes and channeling your inner fashionista. These containers will keep the clothes wrinkle-free and easy to transfer. Shoes should go into original boxes, if possible, or in shoe bags. For everything else, like bedding and small items, use medium to large boxes and plenty of protective paper.

Tackle the Appliances With No Kitchen Nightmares

The kitchen can be tricky, but with a bit of strategy, you’ll master it. Start by packing rarely used appliances and cookware. Wrap dishes and glasses individually in bubble wrap, and you can always use dish pack boxes for extra protection.

Secure Your Toiletries and Bathroom Supplies

The bathroom might be small, but it’s packed with essentials. Start by sorting through your toiletries – toss out expired products and pack the rest in zip-lock bags to prevent leaks. Remember, you’re moving overseas, so make sure that everything you’re bringing with you is allowed in the new country and isn’t on the list of items movers won’t move.

Extra Precaution for the More Fragile Stuff – Handle With Care!

Picture this: you open a box at the new place, only to find your favorite vase shattered into a million pieces or that cherished china set looking like a jigsaw puzzle. The stress and heartbreak of broken belongings can put a serious damper on the excitement across the world. That’s half of the reason why 30% of people say moving day has been more stressful than their wedding day!

That’s why you need to be extra careful with anything delicate. Think of it like handling a baby or a ticking time bomb – whichever makes you more cautious! Fragile stuff needs a little more love and a lot more padding to make the journey in one piece.

Here’s How to Pack Fragile Items Without a Nervous Breakdown

Here’s how to handle the delicate stuff – start by wrapping each item individually in bubble wrap or protective paper, making sure it’s fully covered. For extra protection, you can add a layer of foam peanuts or crumpled paper at the bottom of the box before placing the item in.

Once everything’s inside, fill any gaps with more material to prevent shifting. Tape the box securely and mark it with “FRAGILE” in bold letters to let the handlers know to do it with a bit more love and care.

fragile box
Labels can literally be lifesavers when it comes to the fragile stuff

Call in the Pros – The Right International Moving Company Can Make the Process Much Smoother

Moving internationally comes with a to-do list that seems never-ending. Between boxing up, paperwork, and logistics, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If just reading this guide is making you anxious, it might be a sign to call in the professionals. Booking moving services from a company like Shepherd International Movers can really take a huge load off your shoulders.

With full packing services, the pros can handle all your stuff, from the tiniest trinket to the bulkiest furniture piece. This is incredibly helpful, especially if you’re juggling a million other things. Professionals also specialize in overseas vehicle shipping, which will help get your vehicle transported safely across borders. You can hit the road and explore the new surroundings with ease – just don’t forget about the international driving license!

With or Without Movers, Remember to Label Everything

Whether you’ve called in the pros or you’re tackling this move on your own, labeling your stuff is non-negotiable. Trying to find the coffee maker on the first morning without any labels is, well, not ideal. Labeling ensures that whoever is handling your boxes, be it movers or yourself, knows exactly where everything goes and how it should be treated during transport.

So, grab some colorful markers and go to town! Label each box with its destination room and a brief list of contents. For example, “Kitchen – Pots, Pans, Spices.” If you want to get fancy, color-code your labels by room. Don’t forget to mark boxes with fragile items clearly. This simple step can save you countless headaches!

writing on a box
Be as detailed as possible when labeling your boxes

Don’t Forget Your Survival Kit – The Bag of Essentials for the First Night

The first night in the new home can feel like an adventure, but you don’t want it to turn into a survival challenge. That’s where your bag of essentials comes in, containing everything you’ll need as soon as you get to the final destination. Here’s what to include:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste,
  • Toiletries, including soap, shampoo, and deodorant,
  • A change of clothes,
  • Pajamas,
  • Snacks and water,
  • Medications,
  • Chargers.

With these items on hand, you can avoid the chaos of searching for necessities and focus on settling into the new space. Remember, the key to a smooth move is being prepared, and this survival kit is your secret weapon.

A woman and a man preparing boxes
While your place is still a maze of boxes, having a bag of essentials is crucial

Seal the Deal on Packing Perfection

All in all, figuring out how to pack when moving doesn’t have to be a Herculean task. With the right plan, proper supplies, and a sprinkle of motivation, you can conquer this process like a pro. Just remember, whether you’re meticulously wrapping fragile items or labeling boxes like a mad scientist, every step brings you closer to the finish line.

If all this packaging talk is still making your head spin, it might be time to call in the cavalry. Shepherd International Movers are ready to swoop in and handle the heavy lifting (literally). Let the experts take the stress out of the whole ordeal so you can focus on the excitement of starting a new chapter. Get in touch with us today – we’re here to make the next move your best one yet!

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