Moving Tips&Tricks April 26, 2023

Embracing the Unknown When Moving from a Small Town to a Big City

Milly Andrews

Born and raised in Portland, Milly has had a lot of experience moving and writing about the relocation process.

The prospect of leaving behind familiar surroundings and venturing into unknown territory, with its unique culture, language, and lifestyle, can be both challenging and rewarding. As we delve into the details of moving from a small town to a big city in a foreign land, we will explore practical strategies, tips, and resources to help you navigate this exciting chapter in your life with confidence and optimism.

To embrace the unknown when going through this change, maintain an open mindset, and be prepared for new experiences. Research your destination thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the local culture, customs, and language. Seek out networking opportunities, attend local events, and participate in clubs or organizations to build connections and develop a support system. Finally, be patient with yourself as you adapt to your new environment, and remember that personal growth often comes from embracing change and stepping out of your comfort zone.

It’s OK to Fall for the Allure of Moving From a Small Town to a Big City

The allure of life in a big city is undeniable – the promise of greater opportunities, diverse cultural experiences, and the excitement of a fast-paced lifestyle can be incredibly appealing. It’s perfectly natural to be drawn to the bright lights and seemingly endless possibilities a metropolis offers. While moving overseas to a metropolis comes with its fair share of challenges, it’s essential to recognize the potential benefits of such a transition. The key is to approach the experience with an open mind, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

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Overcoming Challenges and Embracing New Opportunities Helps Us Grow

Life’s trials push us to learn, adapt, and evolve, enabling us to become more resilient and resourceful individuals. Each challenge we overcome increases our self-confidence and allows us to gain valuable insights about ourselves and the world around us. Seizing opportunities moving abroad offers, therefore, allows us to acquire new skills and broaden our horizons.

This type of relocation is a prime example of how overcoming challenges and embracing new opportunities can catalyze growth. The transition may present difficulties, such as adapting to a new environment, navigating complex social dynamics, or facing increased competition in various aspects of life – not to mention breaking the language barrier or, for example, facing culture shock. However, tackling these challenges head-on equips us with invaluable life skills and experiences that contribute to our personal and professional development.

By stepping out of our comfort zone, we unlock our full potential and continue to evolve as individuals

Making the Decision: How to Move to a Big City

Close to nine million American expats are currently living abroad, according to the Association of American Residents Overseas – and many of them prefer metropolises. However, deciding to discover all the benefits of living in a big city and relocating across the world to do so is a significant life event that requires careful thought and planning. One of the first steps in this process is understanding your relocation reasons and what you hope to achieve. That is why you need to:

  • Assess your priorities – consider the factors that are most important to you and determine how this relocation aligns with them,
  • Evaluate your career goals – many people relocate to find a job abroad, so there is no wonder that more than 20% of expats state work reasons as their motivation to relocate overseas,
  • Reflect on your social needs – metropolises typically offer diverse social scenes and opportunities to meet new people, which is especially important if you’re relocating to a new city alone,
  • Examine the cultural offerings – the cultural landscape of a metropolis can be rich and varied, with a wide range of events, attractions, and experiences.

Gathering Information About Potential Cities

When deciding where to live abroad, it’s crucial to gather comprehensive information about potential cities to ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your needs, values, and goals. For starters, you need to investigate job opportunities and the economic climate in your potential destination. Look for job postings, industry trends, and average salaries in your field to determine whether the city is a suitable fit for your career aspirations.

You also need to examine the cost of living, including housing, transportation, groceries, and healthcare. Use websites such as Numbeo to compare these costs with your current expenses to ensure you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle. It’s also a good idea to research the climate and weather patterns in your potential city. Consider how these conditions may impact your lifestyle, health, and overall well-being.

You should also investigate the safety of the city, including crime rates and any areas to avoid, and examine the quality and accessibility of healthcare services. In the end, don’t forget to assess the overall quality of life in the city, including factors like work-life balance, recreational opportunities, and the general atmosphere.

Most American expats choose Mexico as their new home, while the highest number of those who moved to Europe have chosen the UK, France, and Germany
view of Toronto over a field of water
The higher quality of life a metropolis has, the higher are the chances of you finding happiness there

Tips and Considerations for a Smooth Relocation Process

A smooth relocation process requires careful planning, organization, and adaptability. First of all, you should develop a budget that accounts for relocation expenses, such as hiring movers, shipping belongings, and travel costs, and make a to-do list of all the tasks that await ahead.

Next, sort through your belongings and decide what to pack and what to leave behind. Begin packing well in advance, or consider getting packing services and make sure you have all the relocation essentials by your side. In the end, remember to research and select a trustworthy international moving company, such as Shepherd International Movers, to assist with your relocation and secure a move with as little relocation stress as possible.

Unique Considerations for Moving From a Small Town to a Big City in a Different Country

If you’re relocating to a country where the primary language is different from yours, consider the challenges this may pose and find some valuable tips on learning a new language. On top of that, try to learn as much as you can about local customs, traditions, and social norms to ease your cultural transition.

Naturally, ensure that you have all documents needed to travel abroad in order, such as passports, visas, and work permits. Ensure that your passport is up-to-date and that you comply with all entry and residency regulations. To facilitate the whole process, you’ll also need to research shipping options, potential import restrictions, and customs regulations well in advance – or simply get help in the form of international moving services.

Additionally, you’ll need to explore currency and banking, tax implications, and the healthcare system. Furthermore, if you’re relocating abroad alone to attend some of the world’s finest universities or plan to move with kids, you’ll also need to research all you can about the best education options.

While you don't need them for an interstate move, visas and passports are crucial for an international one

Embracing and Adjusting to Life in a Big City

First and foremost, note that big cities often have extensive transportation systems, which can be overwhelming for those coming from much smaller places. Besides researching the public transportation options in detail, it’s also important to be prepared for delays, crowded conditions, or service disruptions and always have a backup plan for your commute.

Metropolises are often characterized by their diverse and multicultural communities, which contribute to a rich and dynamic atmosphere. Embrace this aspect of urban life by engaging with people and building your social connections, attending cultural events, trying new cuisines, visiting local markets, and so on. It’s especially important when moving internationally since you’ll be met with a completely different cultural scene.

How to Cope With Noise, Crowded Spaces, and Fast-Paced Lifestyles

The first thing you need to do is make your living space a calm and peaceful retreat from the city’s chaos, using soundproofing materials, soothing colors, and comfortable furnishings. It’s also advisable to develop routines to help you maintain a sense of control and stability amidst the fast-paced urban lifestyle.

To fight the infamous big-city noise, invest in noise-canceling headphones and create a more peaceful environment, whether at home or on the go. In the end, try to develop strategies for navigating crowded spaces, such as avoiding peak hours, using less-crowded transportation options, or taking alternate routes.

The Benefits of Living in a Big City

Vibrant Cultural Scene

From world-class museums and galleries to live performances and film festivals, city life provides ample opportunities for cultural exploration and enrichment. In addition, big cities are typically melting pots of various cultures and traditions, allowing you to experience and appreciate the unique customs, foods, and languages of different communities.

Career Opportunities

A key advantage of living in a world metropolis is the abundance of career opportunities across various industries. With a higher concentration of companies and organizations, big cities offer a wide range of job openings and the potential for professional growth.

Convenience and Amenities

Metropolis life typically comes with greater access to amenities and conveniences, such as public transportation, shopping centers, and healthcare facilities, as well as entertainment and recreational options. This can make daily life more efficient and enjoyable, as you have access to a wide range of services and resources.

Embracing the Adventure: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

One of the most exciting aspects of relocation to a metropolis abroad is the opportunity to engage in new experiences that expand your horizons – no matter your relocation reasons or age group. Actively seeking out these experiences can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life in your new city.

Of course, this type of relocation can be intimidating, and it’s natural to feel fear and uncertainty. However, it’s essential to recognize that personal growth often comes from stepping into the unknown. By confronting your fears and taking risks, you can develop resilience, adaptability, and a greater sense of self-confidence. But how to do so? If you’re not sure how to get out of your comfort zone effectively, take a look at some tips from the video below:

An International Moving Company Can Help You Embrace the Unknown and Fall In Love with Independence

Partnering with a reliable overseas moving company, such as Shepherd International Movers, can ease the transition process, helping you fall in love with everything that comes with living in a bustling urban environment. With our expert assistance and support, you can navigate the challenges of international relocation, explore new opportunities, and fully immerse yourself in the diverse and vibrant culture of your new city. So, how to move to a big city abroad? All you have to do is contact us – and we’ll help you organize your relocation in detail.


What Are the Key Considerations When Moving From a Small Town to a Big City?

Key considerations include researching the cost of living, understanding the local job market, and familiarizing yourself with the public transportation system. It is also essential to consider housing options, safety concerns, and the local culture, as these factors can significantly impact your overall experience of living overseas.

How Do I Prepare Myself Emotionally for the Transition From a Small Town to a Big City?

Preparing emotionally involves acknowledging feelings of uncertainty and apprehension, setting realistic expectations, and focusing on the potential relocation benefits and opportunities the international relocation offers. Engaging in online communities, attending events, and seeking support from friends and family can also help ease the transition.

What Are Some Common Challenges People Face When Moving to a Big City From a Small Town?

Common challenges include adjusting to a faster pace of life, experiencing increased noise and pollution, coping with feelings of anonymity, and navigating a more complex social landscape. Depending on the country you plan on relocating to, other challenges may include higher living costs and increased competition for jobs and housing.

How Can I Find Suitable Housing Options in a Big City When Coming From a Small Town?

To find suitable housing options, research different neighborhoods once you decide where to live, consider your budget, and determine your preferred amenities. Online resources, local real estate agents, and social media groups can be helpful in finding the right home.

Are There Any Specific Safety Concerns I Should Be Aware of When Moving to a Big City?

Specific safety concerns when moving to a big city include being vigilant about personal belongings, being aware of your surroundings, and familiarizing yourself with emergency services. It is also essential to learn about any crime trends or areas to avoid in your new city.

What Are the Potential Benefits of Moving From a Small Town to a Big City?

Potential benefits include increased job opportunities, diverse cultural experiences, and access to a broader range of amenities, services, and events. Big cities often provide an opportunity for personal growth and the chance to meet new people from various backgrounds.

How Can I Navigate the Transportation Systems in a Big City?

Navigating transportation systems in a big city involves familiarizing yourself with the available options, including buses, subways, and trains. Researching routes, using public transportation apps, and purchasing fare cards in advance can help make the transition smoother.

What Are Some Strategies for Building a Social Network in a Big City?

Strategies for building a social network in a big city include joining clubs, attending events or meetups, volunteering, and connecting with coworkers and people from expat communities. Online platforms can also help you find people with similar interests, making it easier to forge new friendships.

How Can I Maintain a Sense of Community and Connection in a Big City Environment?

Maintaining a sense of community and connection in a metropolis can be done by seeking out smaller, tight-knit neighborhoods or groups, engaging in local events, and actively participating in community initiatives. Building strong relationships with neighbors and keeping in touch with friends and family from your small town can also help.

Are There Any Resources or Support Systems Available for Individuals Transitioning From a Small Town to a Big City?

Resources and support systems for individuals transitioning from a small town to a big city include local community centers, online forums, and social media groups. These resources can provide valuable information, advice, and connections to help make your relocation easier and support you in adjusting to a new country and city.

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