Moving stress is something to think about, especially if you consider that an average American moves around 11 times in a lifetime. Don’t be shocked by the fact that around 30 million Americans move each year. And if they survived, so will you. The key is to keep it a bay and get in the right mindset.
Relocating across the world is a challenging process. Not only do you have to adjust to a new country, but there’s also the relocation to be organized. That’s why relocation is one of the three most stressful events in people’s lives. Everyday concerns and worries can’t help much when it comes to changing homes. However, it’s good to know some things that can prevent all the negative feelings. So, here are some things to do and avoid all the pressure when relocating.
Get the Idea Why Is Moving So Stressful
Once you pick one of the best places to live abroad, you start to realize there is much stuff to arrange and do. From organizing the whole relocation process, finding accommodation, figuring out how much money you’ll need and how you’ll get around to the unknown surroundings. There’s also the matter of language and will you have to break the language barrier. For example, if relocating to Argentina, you’ll have to learn some tips for learning Spanish.
The Stress of Moving Abroad Can Affect Your Physical and Mental Health
You may not notice at once, but all these ‘smaller’ worries could lead you to some serious mental and physical issues if not dealt with on time. So, If you’re asking why am I so stressed about moving, then know it probably all came unconsciously. Living overseas opens so many questions, and for someone, it can be just too overwhelming.
Doing everything you can to help yourself is a must, no matter if you are relocating abroad alone or you found one of the best places to live overseas with family. Take some time to think about something else. It’s challenging, but it will do you good.

What Is the Most Stressful Part of Moving – Changing Home and Environment
Did you know that relocating is more stressful than getting married or divorced? Changing your home and wondering how to live abroad affect people a great deal. All the different things that will come along with relocating will get most people nervous, irritable, and prone to mood swings. These are some of the symptoms that will show you’re under a lot of pressure.
You need to take this seriously since it’s a traumatic experience that can leave some unwanted consequences. There are many ups and downs when it comes to finding out how to move overseas. However, the less anxiety you have, the better experience you’ll have.
Give It Time to Adjust to the Fact You’re Relocating
The essential thing to remember is that it’s completely normal to feel stressed and anxious. An average American lives in one house for about seven years. Many beautiful memories and events to remember happened in that period.
The right approach when you end up overwhelmed by negative feelings is to give yourself enough time. It doesn’t matter if you’ve done it before or not; the apprehension you feel is real. So, giving yourself enough space to adjust to the fact you are making a life-changing decision is a must.

Know Some Practical Tips on How Do You Relieve Stress From Moving?
Life is constantly changing, and after you realize that, you need to start doing something that will ease you. However, not all anxious situations can be solved in the same way. For example, if you feel worried about relocating to the Bahamas, know you picked one of the friendliest countries in the world. Also, keep in mind that this kind of fact can assist in coping with the change and culture shock.
On the other hand, you’ll have to prepare for the whole process. So, you need to be aware of some draining situations that could easily be overlooked. Here they are:
- Set the budget – knowing your finances is important because some small expenses can easily add up. So, set the budget as soon as you decide to move. That way, you won’t be spending too much on unnecessary stuff.
- Meet the neighborhood – when it comes to an international move, it’s more than challenging to do it. However, there’s nothing the internet can’t solve. With Google Maps, you can explore the future city and neighborhood, too. Knowing where you are going will calm you.
- Keep in mind all the benefits of this move – people make decisions like this all the time. Radically changing life isn’t the easiest thing to do, so make sure you repeat all the benefits of the move once in a while.
How Do I Stop Moving Anxiety – It’s Best With Decluttering
Many won’t get stressed about other tasks for the relocation, but when it comes to packing your house, the troubles begin. It’s probably not the hardest thing in this whole process, but definitely the most tedious one. So, before you decide what to pack, ensure you know what won’t be going with you. It’s important to do it since your house is full of stuff you might not even know to exist. And once you begin packing, so many piled-up items can overwhelm you.
That’s why decluttering is something you shouldn’t avoid. As soon as you find the best country to live in, start decluttering your house. The less stuff you’ll bring, the less you’ll feel nervous. And not to mention that the packing process will be a breeze.
However, if you notice there’s no end and there’s still too much stuff to be packed, don’t hesitate to ask a helping hand from professional movers and their packing services. Before that, watch the video below for the best five ways to declutter your place.
Assembled to-Do List Will Keep You on Track With Tasks
We tend to forget important and less important stuff surprisingly fast. That’s why a relocating abroad checklist is more than needed in the process. It will be one place with all tasks you have to do, and it will also give you some kind of timeline. If you’ve ever wondered how so many folks move and don’t lose their mind, it’s because they have a checklist.
It’s so easy to forget about all those packing supplies, to notify everyone about the move, or even book an international moving company. So, make a plan and be sure nothing slips through.

Gather All the Needed Documentation Before Moving Day
Local and even cross-country moves are more manageable than international ones because you don’t have to gather all the documents needed to travel abroad. Yes, it’s one more task, and you shouldn’t get too stressed about it; just be aware that you’ll probably need a visa for most countries.
If you opt to live in Europe as an American and to relocate to Zurich, besides a valid passport, you have to apply for a Swiss visa. No matter where you wish to move, a simple solution is to call the preferred country’s embassy and check with them all the needed information.

Get Help From Professional International Movers
The biggest mistake most of us can make when relocating internationally is not to hire a reliable relocation company. However, if you think you can manage to do everything alone and handle the pressure, then it’s OK.
On the other hand, many of us just can’t deal with all those relocation tasks and other things you have to do in the meantime, like going to work or picking kids from school. Why make your life more difficult when there’s a trained crew that will give you a helping hand? And it’s not just the packing services you’ll be offered with. They can ship your car overseas, as well.
Consider Storage Facility as an Option for the Stuff You Don’t Know What to Do With
The change you are making isn’t unnoticeable. The new environment, house, neighborhood, and job can be overwhelming. And overthinking it can just become worse. That’s when we assume some unnecessary belongings can be helpful, and we irrationally pack them. For example, you packed fragile items you don’t even use. On the other hand, you don’t want to throw those away.
If you hire professionals, you’ll have a storage facility where you can keep all your belongings. And once you decide what to do with all that stuff, you’ll be sure they are safely secured in the storage unit.

Moving Stress Can Be a Great Motivator and Give You an Extra Push
There are numerous reasons to move. Some of them are good, like relocating for love, and some are not so good. Either way, you can’t avoid the preparing and organizing process, which can cause anxiety and get you all stressed out. That’s why you should turn the situation in your favor and use the stressor to motivate yourself. You’ll get more work done in no time and your quality of life will change a lot. Here’s how the stress can be helpful:
- It will keep you concentrated on all the tasks you have to do,
- It boosts you to find quicker solutions for some problems.

Think About Period After the Move and All Positive Things You’re Going to Do
Once you get through the relocation, don’t think you are all done. There’s still some stuff to do after the move that will relieve you from feeling stressed. For example, many of us will enjoy buying new items for the future home. Then you’ll get a chance to explore the city and all the landmarks, parks and other interesting places. And last but not least, you’ll get a chance to meet different people. It’s all so exciting, and it can’t harm thinking about these positive events that await you.

Embrace the Change and Don’t Let Fear Get You
You get all stressed out when you don’t have the whole situation under control. You can’t know what will happen once you settle in the new place. Will you fit in the surroundings and workplace and will your kids like the idea of changing the environment? These are all questions you can’t answer before you actually do all of the stuff we mentioned above. So, don’t let the fear of the unknown get you and follow your dreams.